On April 14, 2016, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall declared a Public Health Emergency under the Public Health Act due to the unprecedented rise in deaths due to opioid overdoses in British Columbia. While significant improvements in care have been made since this declaration, the number of people dying in BC has continued to rise. Improving access to appropriate and effective treatments and supports is critical to preventing overdoses before they happen. In order to increase the efficacy of primary care in addressing the needs of people who use substances, a shared understanding of how the current primary care system is experienced by both health care providers and patients/peers is required.

In the summer and fall of 2017, we partnered with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions, the First Nations Health Authority and the General Practice Services Committee to host two journey mapping sessions to explore the current state of treatment options and support for people with substance use concerns in primary care settings – from both the health care provider and the patient/peer perspectives. Over 120 health care providers, patients and organizational representatives contributed to the creation of six distinct journey maps.

High-resolution versions of the final maps are available below for download. Read the full report here.

Journey Maps – Primary Care Focus

Journey Maps – Indigenous Perspectives