Community Action Teams (CATs) are an integral part of responding to the overdose crisis in BC. The CAT Knowledge Exchange connects all 36 CATs throughout BC to share learning and accelerate local work to address the overdose crisis. Virtual learning and networking went from October 2020 to October 2023. These meetings included project-focused sessions and capacity-building webinars. This initiative is in partnership with the Community Action Initiative and funded by the Ministry of Mental Health & Addictions, while guided by diverse individuals who represent CATs and includes people with lived and/or living experience.

Knowledge Exchange Graphic Recordings

Click on the images below to download and explore the graphic recordings from previous events.

CAT Knowledge Exchange - Graphic Recording 2 - August 18 2022 Thumbnail
CAT Knowledge Exchange - Graphic Recording 1 - August 18 2022 Thumbnail

Community Resources

The following resources were co-developed with the Community Action Teams in province-wide working groups. Coordinators and community organizations can use these tools to improve our collaboration and collective impact on the toxic drug crisis.